Raised in North Carolina and Cincinnati, Janice Moore Fuller is Writer-in-Residence and Professor of English at Catawba College in Salisbury, North Carolina. She has published a poetry book Archeology Is a Destructive Science (Scots Plaid Press, 1998) and poems and essays in numerous American and European journals and anthologies, including New Welsh Review, Asheville Poetry Review, Tar River Poetry, Sow’s Ear, Pembroke Magazine, and Mississippi Quarterly. Her plays have been produced at Catawba’s Florence Busby Corriher Theater, Charlotte’s BareBones Theater, and the Minneapolis Fringe Festival. Her libretto for German composer Knut Mueller’s Destructive Science premiered at the Rendez-Vous Musique Nouvelle in France in November 2003.
Educated at Duke University (B.A.) and UNC-Greensboro (M.A., Ph.D.), she has studied Yeats in Ireland and post-colonial literature at the University of London through National Endowment for the Humanities seminars. She has read her poetry and taught workshops at universities and other venues throughout the United States, Wales, Ireland, Italy, and Russia.
A Fellow at the Tyrone Guthrie Center in Ireland, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Fundación Valparaiso in Spain, Hawthornden International Center in Edinburgh, and the Vermont Studio Center, she has been honored for her work by the North Carolina Arts Council, the Arts and Science Council, North Carolina State University, the Southern Women Writers Conference, and the Blumenthal Writers and Readers series.