Old North




Hard to fit great big North Carolina into a book of poems, yet Tony Reevy has flat done it. Reevy is particularly gifted at assaying ways in which ours is a haunted land, as he takes us from the ghost lights at Brown Mountain, past a phantom cafe in tobacco town, all the way down to a conjure scene in the old Southport burying ground. Quite a marvelous tour of place and spirit!

—Bland Simpson, Into the Sound Country and The Coasts of Carolina

What I like about Tony Reevy’s Old North is the wonderful journey—and the stops along the way over and around North Carolina, the “Old North State.” Reevy’s poetry settles into actual places, as he leads us on a tour from the western mountains through the Piedmont, east to Durham, “tobacco town,” southeast to Williamston and Beaufort to the coast and “Swan Quarter Landing.” Whew! Tony Reevy lights up line after line, page after page. What poetry of document and shine! Old North is a brilliant achievement!

—Shelby Stephenson, Family Matters: Homage to July, the Slave Girl

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